Farewell Grandpa Max

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dear Grandpa Max,

Yesterday was a sad day for all of us that loved you.  It was the day that we had to say "good bye" to you in this earthly life.  I am so grateful that you are my grandpa!  I am so happy that you get to be with your sweetheart Grandma Ilene now.  I am sure it is wonderful to be with your parents, your brother and sister, and my mama.  I am sure my mother planned you a "Welcome to Heaven!" party of with lots of fried chicken and candy orange slices, and I am sure you and her have already started teasing each other and getting a good laugh with one another.

Even though I am so happy you don't have to have the earthly pain you felt for so much of your life, I will miss you so much!  I will miss being around you.  I will miss your stories about the navy, and going to New Zealand.  I will miss seeing your share your testimony of the true gospel with everyone that you meet.  I will miss playing with your crutches :)  I will most of all just miss you!  I love you, love you, love you!

Thanks for being a wonderful grandpa to me!  Thanks for believing in me!  Thanks for telling me that you loved me and were proud of me often!  I hope someday I can be like you!  I can't wait to meet you in heaven again someday!

Until then, I will keep the memories I have of you alive, and continue to tell my children about their wonderful Great Grandpa Max!

I love you! 
 Love, Kristin
Grandpa n' me: Summer 2010

Great Grandpa and Hyrum: Spring 2011

Hyrum and Great Grandpa Max on his 90th Birthday

The newlyweds and Grandpa Max on our wedding day, December 20, 2008

My grandpa would always kiss us on the cheek, so it was my turn to pay him back!

Aren't  grandpa's the best?

Last night we had a "Grandpa Max Dinner" with his favorites: Albertson's fried chicken, potato salad and King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls (the name of the rolls is perfect!)