Bucket List Items

Winter 2014

So I kind of have this running bucket list in my head.  I have written some of the items down, but mostly I just have this mental list I keep and then when the opportunity arises, I check some of them off.

This winter, I have checked off 3 of my bucket list items which are the following:

1) Be a fitness instructor.  Last semester I started going to cycling classes a lot.  I tried out in January to be a teacher on campus and so I have been teaching a Cycling class at BYU-Idaho on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  I have found out that it is a new passion of mine!  So sad that it is almost over. I think I will definitely keep it up throughout my life.  Cycling is such a fun way to workout!

2) Cut my hair off to my chin.  For the past ten years, every time I am on the way to get my haircut I think to myself, "Is this the haircut where my hair will be to my chin?"  And then, I, or the hairstylist usually talks myself out of it.  I have been so scared to do it.  Not sure where I found the courage, but I just realized that hair indeed will grow back, and if I hated short hair, I never had to have it again.  I decided to get it out of my system. But it has been a fun change.  Not sure I will always have short hair, but definitely think I will do it again.

3) Do a mini-triathlon.  In February, they hosted a mini-triathlon on campus.  Blaine and I both participated in different rounds so that we could still take care of our kids.  We swam 300 meters, biked 6 miles, and ran 1.5 miles.  It was fun to have the variety in a race, and overall it definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I wasn't as sore as I usually get after other races, and I think it is because it was an all-around body workout, working many different muscle groups.  We will definitely do it again!

I was so happy to have a number on my arm!  The race felt legit!

 One of my cycling buddies did the race with me!

 Blaine has become so much better at swimming this semester, thanks to a swim class and lots of hard work!  I was so proud of him when I saw him swimming in the pool!  Way to go Blaine!


Doing these things, I have recently thought about all the things I might be missing out on in life that I just don't even know about yet.  I feel the "adventure bug" starting to bite me!  I am excited to try a lot of other new things!

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